a signature look for exquisite taste.


Whether you're a restaurateur or backyard chef, Beaumont Stoneworks can design and build a wood-fired baking oven or pizza oven for your application and appetite. We've worked with chef/owners of premier restaurants across the upper Midwest and Canada. Beaumont uses only the best oven components from Le Panyol and their importer Maine Wood Heat who has chosen us as their installation team for our area.


Back yard wood-fired baking oven in progress.

In what was once a foundry for steel derricks and hoists, Clyde Iron Works Restaurant and Bar now forges fine pizzas, breads and roasted dishes for its patrons.

In what was once a foundry for steel derricks and hoists, Clyde Iron Works Restaurant and Bar in Duluth, MN now forges fine pizzas, breads and roasted dishes for its patrons.

Surrounding the polished granite hearth on the wood-fired oven at Clyde Iron Works, is a massive wall of reclaimed brick bordered by more granite on the corners and foundation.

Surrounding the polished granite hearth on the wood-fired oven at Clyde Iron Works, is a massive wall of reclaimed brick bordered by more granite on the corners and foundation.

A backyard wood-fired baking oven in northern, Minnesota by Duluth, MN stone mason Beaumont Stoneworks.

One of two twin Le Panyol ovens imported from France and built by Beaumont Stoneworks.

One of the twin Le Panyol ovens imported from France and built by Beaumont Stoneworks stone masons in Duluth, MN.

Another outdoor baking and pizza oven in the Duluth, MN area with an adobe style facade around the Le Panyol oven.

More Wood-Fired Oven examples: