New Corner Fireplace

We just finished this real stone fireplace in the Duluth, MN area with a reclaimed timber mantle and the hearth inset into the floor. All ready for the TV to be mounted!

Corner fireplace in the Duluth, MN area with a reclaimed timber mantle

A new Stone Mural

Just finished this mural that will be framed in sandstone and placed above a fireplace.


North Shore Chimney

We just finished this massive natural stone chimney on the North Shore of Lake Superior. Satisfying and exhausting!


Outdoor Fireplace Project


We spent a good part of the summer on this massive project that included a 20-foot-tall fireplace.


Masonry heaters keep on radiating

Masonry heaters keep on radiating

I took my own advice and built a masonry heater for my house. It's complete with a stone mural and pizza oven. Those beefy trim stones had a previous life on the mean streets of Duluth. The large "pebbles" got their rounded shape from constant churning on the Lake Superior shoreline.

beaumont masonry heater IMG_0946.JPG

More than a typical fireplace, a masonry heater is built with special masonry blocks that absorb heat from a quick, hot (and therefore efficient) burn. Two burns per day will keep the heat radiating from the masonry "mass" all day and night. Less heat goes up the flue and you get a lot more mileage out of your wood fuel!